When we join together in a common cause, miracles happen!  Today, there are so many ways to partner with Starting Hearts to save precious lives; and we welcome collaboration with our citizens, schools, business, and government.  Here are some of the ways to make a real difference in your community:

We accept cash, credit cards, checks, cars, stocks, in-kind products and services, and more.  You can donate here, email us or call for more information.

Sponsor a defibrillator. 
There is always a need for more defibrillators in public.  Our sponsorship program provides recognition for five years on each defibrillator you underwrite for placement in a public location.  We have schools, parks, swimming pools, playgrounds, post offices, government buildings, golf courses, and highly-trafficked public locations where life saving defibrillators are needed. 

We have ongoing events, activities, campaigns, community outreach and much, much more.  For the latest list, contact us at [email protected].

Strategic Partnerships. 
For companies of all types looking to amplify their impact in the communities they serve, there are many ways for us to collaborate.  We go out of our way to recognize our corporate supporters in all our marketing efforts, including advertising, social media, and public relations.  Be part of a cause for good and enhance your brand all at once!

Get certified.
Every citizen who becomes certified and stands ready to help when needed is a hero in our eyes.  The precious life you save may be a loved one, friend, colleague, or stranger.  For the person saved, this will be a defining, spectacular moment in both your lives.

We are always looking for enthusiastic, capable instructors to share our leadership and lifesaving knowledge.  We have many doctors, nurses, paramedics, lifeguards, and others who teach our content and other certifications.  We have daily requests for classes, so if you have the skills and enjoy sharing your knowledge, we’d like to meet you! 

Safety agencies.
We partner with so many safety agencies to work closely together in our mutual effort to improve safety in the communities we serve.  Police, fire, sheriff, paramedic agencies, hospitals, state troopers, ski patrol, and others support our mission; and we encourage your organization to join with us.

Start an Affiliate.
Passionate people who share in our mission to save precious lives may consider a Starting Hearts affiliate.  We want to share our experience and best practices with you to make your community safer for visitors and citizens alike.  Please reach out to learn more about our affiliate program.

Launch a new chapter on campus.
We have a wonderful campus program to partner with sororities, fraternities, and collegial organizations to increase awareness, place defibrillators, and save lives.  We have a complete campus affiliate program and encourage your organization to join in the cause.

Advocate for our mission.
Few people know that sudden cardiac arrest is our nation’s biggest killer.  Imagine that!  We have so much work to do to raise awareness and help communities become better prepared. 

Help legislate.
We’re active every year in promoting legislation to encourage education and defibrillator placements.  Speaking with congressman, senators, county commissioners, and city councils can achieve meaningful progress.  Please seek us out to discuss how we can help your cities, counties, and state save more lives.

Share your ideas.
We are always open to new ideas and anxious to hear yours.  Feel free to contact us anytime with ways to improve our services and create more positive outcomes.