Eagle County Schools and Starting Hearts Sign Memo of Understanding to Educate the Entire School Population in CPR/AED Training

Eagle County, CO, 20 May 2016, 2:00pm – Dr. Jason Glass, Superintendent of Eagle County Schools, and Alan Himelfarb, Executive Director of Starting Hearts, a Colorado-based non-profit dedicated to saving lives through CPR/AED education and AED placement, announced today that they have signed a Memo of Understanding to educate the entire school population in CPR/AED training.

The two organizations will establish a collaborative relationship to provide students and school professionals with information, guidance, and access to education and training to provide a lifetime of lifesaving skills in CPR and automated external defibrillator (“AED”) use.

Starting Hearts instructors will deliver a one-hour trademarked class, Call.Push.Shock TM to all students, kindergarten through high school seniors, initially and every other year thereafter.  Starting Hearts classes will be conducted in English or Spanish, as needed; and such training shall be provided without cost to Eagle County Schools.
In addition, Starting Hearts will deliver American Red Cross certification classes to all Eagle County school staff, including teachers, coaches, administrators, and bus drivers.  Altogether, the program will educate 6,800 students and 800 professionals across seventeen public schools.

“We are so pleased to cooperate with Dr. Glass and his staff in bringing lifesaving skills to our school system.  We intend to make the Eagle County school system a model for the nation to emulate.”